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Announcement and PPMToday when people think of Community Development they think municipal bonds with fixed earnings.
TOMORROW they will think OZI Company and Intelligent Investing
For socially responsible investors with capital gains who need intelligent investment solutions, Ozi Company is America’s first Woman-Owned Opportunity Zone Investment Fund that offers FinTech driven solutions In emerging markets and real estate investment portfolios
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FinTech Driven Intelligent Investing
OZI Company, LLC provides Intelligent Investment Solutions in emerging markets and real estate investment portfolios with FinTech. We are America’s first Women-Owned OZ Fund to do this by using the latest technology in investment banking and portfolio management
Cathy Jackson-Gent
For three decades, Cathy Jackson-Gent has offered professional financial consulting services and support to municipal agencies in the California Bay Area, specifically the Oakland community. Initially, she used her USF Computer Science/Management Science dual degree to work in Silicon Valley. After the corporate tango, her fiduciary strengths became known and she founded Global Investment Company (GIC). As a result, GIC’s clients range from well-known political figures and large corporations to families focused on preserving wealth for future generations. Consequently, GIC continues to thrive during the lush economy, sustained through the 2008-2013 recession and is expanding its leadership role in the Bay Area community. Now, Cathy has started America’s first woman-owned FinTech driven Opportunity Zone Investment Fund, OZI Company, and is already impacting communities.

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Connect with one of our Opportunity Zone Investment Fund experts.